No one needs me to mention that 2020 was a hectic year, not least because of the pandemic. But besides that Bec and I were very privileged to find ourselves entirely distracted with the renovation of a house. Within which, we are now very much enjoying simply living in.

But I think in the come down of all that doing I found myself with excess energy from all the extra free time we suddenly that I told myself it was high time I redesigned my website.

After messing with Next.js before the 1.0 release and whilst finding elements of it great some of it was too finickity and annoying enough that I wasn‘t interested for a while. But after watching the changelogs I was curious to give it another go.

The ecosystem around it is great and it’s much faster now and it’s doesn’t burden the browser with anywhere near as much JS now.

So here it is my new website, I had been itching for an excuse to buy Söhne since it launched and have used Buch (weight) throughout.

I’ve also used TailwindCSS having been a longstanding user of Tachyons before that. Tailwind is really powerful and I think going forward it will be my go to.